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How to contact me

Due to the amount of SPAM I’ve been receiving lately, I’ve removed my real mail address from my web pages. Sorry for this inconvenience, but I have to do something to rid myself of these "Get Rich Quick" and "Visit this s*x site" spam-mails.

You can still contact me, using a java-script encoded temporary email address here:

However, javascript needs to be enabled on your browser. If you have javascript not enabled by any reason, you have to type the following address manually:

temporary emaiI adbress

Hopefully, this will not only relieve me of those damned auto-spammers, but it will help me pick out your welcome emails.

But: Please do not send large attachments right away. Some people send me their favourite pictures, directly from their camera, producing mails with 1 MB or even larger! I don't mind if you send pics, but please make them smaller, not more than say 50 kB apiece.
UKflag Read more on good Email Netiquette.  
Lesen Sie hier etwas über Netiquette (so etwas wie "Gute Umgangsformen mit Email")


Ulrich Hornstein


Stand / Last Revision: 
spamgourm. address hopa5 installed: 30.7.2008
spamgourmet hopa4 instead of disfunct. meinspamschutz 5.5.2007
meinspamsch. address hopa3 installed: 29.11.2006
spamgourm. address hopa2 installed: 04.10.2004
spamgourm. address hopa1 installed: 11.11.2002
real email mailto removed: 5.5.2002

PageHits since 11.01.2004